Friday, 11 July 2008

Working...quite hard. A surprising variety of kids, from one who is 15 and can write better english essays than most 18yr old english people to those who can barely string a coherent sentence together yet might be even older.

Eating out most meals - it is very cheap here, whereas supermarkets seem quite expensive and only stock ingredients useful in Asian cooking. Would give quite a bit now for a proper cup of tea... none here, except for 'rice tea.' - which is about as appealing to the Englishman as it sounds. On the plus side, the food is great - lots of good fresh food with lots of veg. Koreans seem to think some stuff is spicy, but it doesnt seem too spicy to me. I even quite like Kimchi (the pickled vegetables served liberally at almost every meal).

been to the bath house a couple of times - unlike in England where it might be a byword for sleaze, it seems a key institution here. Alternating between the cold bath (24C) and the warm and hot ones (40-45C) is very pleasant. they also have a selection of saunas, one usually at 50C, the other at 70C - managed to get into that one at the second time of trying, was glad i did as i felt good afterwards.

least favourite part of korea - working on saturdays.

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